Retail business, under full management, specialising in the retailing of industrial supplies - The business has been established for 20 years and has strong links with the burgeoning local trades and manufacturing sector - The wide range of products available include welding supplies, a full suite of necessities for the operation of older and new engineering and mechanical equipment, tools, day to day items such as nuts, bolts, washers, drive belts and bearings - The supplies are arranged in a large display of updated chests, drawers, shelving and racks - An authorised agent for popular pressure washers - The business currently shares premises and is fully independent of, the vendor's light manufacturing business, and can be easily relocated if desired - Computer software has been updated to Square and all items are bar-coded.
PotentialTarget social media - Opportunity to easily relocate if desired.
FeaturesLong established - Great location - Very strong local industry and trade support - Limited competition - Wide and diverse range of products.
PremisesShared occupation in large 364 sq .mt. brick building with roller door and separate front entrance
LocationPrime location in established light industrial area in bustling high growth Southern Highlands town.
Trading Hours5 days - Monday to Friday: 8.00 am to 4.00 pm.
LeaseNew lease available if required.
EmployeesManager + 1 casual (4 days) +1 casual (3 days).
CommentsMisc.- 1 - Freight - Misc.- 2 - Square fees ($70), waste removal ($60).